42nd CSVS forum

Úplná verze: Mission Commander (pro Falcon BMS)
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Mission Commander je dobrý program pro tvorbu a editaci TE nebo pokud potřebujete trošinku upravit kampaň. Například si chcete přesunout squadronu na jiné letiště. A samozřejmě mnoho dalšího.

Adresa programu je zde.

Dále následuje výcuc ze stránek programu:


• Change your flights callsign.
• Change the type of aircraft.,
• Change the amount of aircraft in a flight.
• Change the fuel the aircraft has in its tanks.
• Move your flight to another package.
• Set all locks for time or speed with one click.

• Delete flights from the package.

• Change the squadron name.
• Change the squadron patch.
• Move a squadron to a different base.
• Change the amount of aircraft in a squadron.

• Change the battalion name.
• Choose which vehicle is alive.

• Change the Taskforce name.
• Choose which ship is alive.
• Add/delete STPT for the ships. Place the STPTs on the map.

• Set the status of a building. You can set a building Damaged, Destroyed, Repaired or No Damage.
• For runways, craters are added if you set a runway Damaged or Destroyed.

These are just some highlights and there are some more goodies in the software. As this is still in development, there is also a lot more to come.

neni nekde podobny tool i pro AF? Docela rad bych si upravil starou koreu na jeste starsi, teda F-105, F-4 a bez AMRAAMu.

Tak to bohužel nemám tušení. Našel jsem pouze Weapon Delivery Planner.

necituj predchozi prispevek. Harm
Správně Harme jen do něj ! Je bakanej ! Nechce semnou lítat dogfajty a ještě je otrávenej !
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